ُمنهجِ التدريب عمليى لتَطوير وتَحسين مهاراتِ المتخصصين فى مجال الصحة النفسية للمدربين، جزء الآول

Community Mental Health Workers manual, Instructor version- part 1

These are the instructor manuals for building capacities of mental health workers. They were used in Iraq during 2 years projects. They are five modules. Each module has instructor and participant version, expect module five. The participant version of the manuals, uploaded previously to the KH, in Arabic language. They need to be used with the instructor versions.

The modules conducted over two years in Iraq for training 220 community mental health workers throughout Iraq. Each module conducted for around a week. In between each module, the participants were getting regular weekly to monthly supervision for consolidating the taught topics.